Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Self-Hypnosis or a Licensed Hypnotherapist?

Have you ever considered being hypnotized to lose weight, stop smoking, gain friends and influence people or just have more confidence?

Hypnosis is touted as being capable of helping you do all those things and more.

But most of the people who make those claims are the ones who want you to pay them to hypnotize you or sell you information on how to do it yourself. So, is the idea of hypnosis as self-improvement total BS?

When I was in high school, a friend of mine had herself hypnotized to lose weight. And she lost weight, dramatically fast. Was that because the hypnotherapist did this amazing thing in which he put suggestions into her mind that she'd rather have salad than a Snickers bar? Was it because she believed that she had been hypnotized and that it would work?

Most people believe that hypnosis works because of both the hypnosis itself and the person's belief that it will work.

If that disappoints you, it shouldn't! After all, it's still mind power that creates the result, and it should show you how powerful your OWN mind is. The placebo effect--that a sugar pill can ease a person's pain because that person BELIEVES it will work--is a powerful tool.

So, my friend who lost weight? She gained it all back within a year or so, and then some.

Was it because the hynposis wore off, because she stopped believing in it, or because her particular addiction was just stronger than both the technique and her belief?

Maybe regular visits to the hypnotherapist would have acted like an immunization against her overeating.

The benefit of a self-hypnosis program you can use on your terms becomes clear in a case like hers. If she had a tape or a book or something she believed capable of helping her, then when she felt those old urges coming back she could have used it instantly and maybe managed to keep the weight off.

So if you can learn to hypnotize yourself, you can keep giving yourself that needed boost to follow through with your goals. That's definitely a concept worth considering.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Learn to Hypnotize People for Beginners

Can you learn to hypnotize people to get what you want out of life? If you learn to hynotize people can you make them like you, or want to help you? Can you control people, and do you even want to?

I wanted to know these things. And I wanted to know if I could learn to hypnotize myself, too. I'd done some reading on self-hypnosis and thought most of the stuff just amounted to affirmations. You know, if I tell myself I'm good enough and smart enough (like Stuart Smalley!) I'll start to believe it.

But self-hypnosis and affirmations aren't the same thing. And to learn to hypnotize people is more than just smiling and being friendly to get people to like you. There are techniques to learning the type of secret hypnosis that influences people.

If you're interested in learning to hypnotize people and you follow a really great guide on hypnosis, it is possible to make huge changes in your life. You can do things from subtly influencing a person's opinion about you or something else, to practically controlling the things they say and do.

Isn't that mind control? Isn't that . . . unethical?

When a salesman convinces you to buy the big widget instead of the small one, has your mind been controlled?

We've all done this: You go to buy something. It can be a tire, a stereo, any product in which the salesman has the opportunity to influence your decision. He or she walks up to you in the store and asks for help, and if you let them make suggestions they almost always lead you away from the item you're looking at to show you a different model.

How many times have you come home with something bigger, better (and more expensive) and thought, "WHY did I DO that? I didn't WANT to spend that much!"

Was your mind controlled? Not exactly. But you were persuaded. Good salespeople have mastered the art of a type of subtle hypnosis. They learn to hypnotize people to make sales.

You can learn to hypnotize people for other things. You can

  • make new friends easier

  • subtly influence your friends into doing what you want to do for a change!

  • get more dates

  • get along better with your girlfriend or boyfriend

  • get along better with your spouse

  • affect your children's behavior

  • get that promotion

  • get that raise

  • stop conflict in its tracks!

All of those are great reasons to learn to hypnotize people.

But forget about them. Seriously.

Even if you never used your newfound hypnosis skills for a single trick, it can still help you to learn how to hypnotize people. How, you ask?

Becuase you'll KNOW you could do it if you wanted. You'll KNOW that if you wanted to influence your spouse or your date or your friend or that guy who gives you a hard time at work . . . you COULD.

If that's not a confidence booster . . . I don't know what is.

Now, remember, we're not talking about turning your family and friends into robots who will do your bidding here. This isn't Pinky & the Brain--you're not going to learn to hypnotize people and rule the universe. But you can make drastic changes in the course of your life just by learning some techniques that most people have no clue about.

Chances are that salesperson who talked you into the great big make-your-credit-card cry sale doesn't even REALIZE the techniques that he used. It's natural for him to use it to sell, but he might not be able to apply that skill in every area of his life.


The best way to learn to hypnotize people is by paying someone for private sessions so that they can teach you all the nuances. You'll want to learn from someone with a lot of experience, who's probably been putting people under for years, like a therapist or a professional hypnotist.

And you'll have to pay thousands of dollars. Of course, they'll teach you to hypnotize people in a therapist setting, or in a setting where you sit the person down and that person KNOWS you're going to hypnotize her.

If you want to learn to hypnotize people through the course of the day and influence things that happen subtly and secretly, you'll need to look elsewhere.

For that type of skill, you want to learn to hypnotize people from those who are actually DOING it.

The Internet is full of sites that gives types on hypnotize people (usually sitting in a chair and watching a shiny object, a pendulum, etc.). You can also find information on how to do it subtly. But so much of this information isn't quality information.

And there are many different kinds of courses and packages you can buy that are great, and even offer MONEY BACK GUARANTEES (please don't ever buy anything that doesn't offer this!) so you know they're quality, but they're all for a different type of person. Some are for self-hypnosis to help you lose weight, stop smoking, have more confidence and other things.

Some are to learn to hypnotize people other than yourself.

Before you buy ANYTHING you should really read their sales page and see if the wording appeals to you. One package that can help you learn to hypnotize people is , the Underground Hypnosis course . . . just the tone of the wording might not appeal to everyone. It talks about things like "Black Ops" hypnosis and mind control. That might put you off, and I would understand.

Another one, the Power of Conversational Hypnosis course is designed help you learn to hypnotize people. It's a little less "edgy" with the wording, but even goes so far as to say that if you plan to use their techniques to do illegal, unethical or immoral things (YOU EVILDOER YOU) then you should click away and not buy their course. Is that pure hype? I'll talk about that in my review!

The Art of Covert Hypnosis however, is a bit less dun-dun-dun-DUNNNNN in its approach. It will still teach you to learn to hypnotize people, but has a less sort of dark approach. If you don't count the Mindfreak-like photo of Steven Peliari, The Master Hypnotist!

For the person who really dislikes the cloak and dagger approach, there's the slightly more lighthearded Be an Expert Persuader in 20 Days. You won't find deep, dark Mindfreak stuff here. There's a cute little squirrel on the page, even. This is more for the person who just wants to learn to hypnotize people more subtlely, with some ways to be more assertive and use the power of persuasion and mild hypnotism so make some changes.

These are all quality products for you to learn how to hypnotize people. And they all come with a 60-day money back guarantee.

Which is best for you?

I'll be discussing each one a little more in depth in review posts to follow, so stay tuned.